Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year

"I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

    What precious words from Jeremiah 19.  As Jerry and I walk into this year, our eyes are upon God for His mercy and grace.  As we walk with God we know we must seek His face with an open mind .... 'and be transformed by the renewing of your mind'.  We walk with the assurance that we have NEVER walked alone in this path.  For the past 40 years God has led us.  What an huge Blessing!

   This year we walk hand in hand facing cancer.  Jerry was diagnosed with prostate cancer in November.  Since that time we have been in contact with 3 cancer doctors, read books about all the different types of treatment, have asked our church and shepherding group for prayer, and have hugged each other a lot.  No day is taken for granted.  No moment together is wasted with anger, or sadness.

   We know God's plans for us are not to harm us, but to give us hope.  In Christ we found  hope.  We have a supportive family and are very thankful for that.  We begin a bone scan, more blood work, and other tests on January 7.

   We anticipating a wonderful year as we walk day by day with our wonderful, awesome God.  We are trusting Him.  We want to be used of God in any way He sees fit for us.  We give Him Glory.

   Each day will be new because God's mercies are new every morning.  We thank you for your prayers for us.

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