Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude 2011

I have borrowed this idea from my friend Brenda. I have done this November project for a couple of years now and have truly been blessed. I want to share this with my family and friends. Won't you join me? Let's bring Glory to God through a thankful attitude. Cheryl

Gratitude is simply remembering that "God and others are actually responsible for the achievements in my life."


So several years ago now, I began my Thirty Days of Gratitude during the thirty days of November. In recent years I have shared my current list via blog posts, Facebook notes, and handout sheets in small group meetings.


Here's how it works: Every day in the month of November you select someone who has impacted your life. This is not about giving gifts, making fancy handmade cards, or empty flattery - it is about demonstrating gratitude with your heartfelt words! You can email them, call them, send them a card that day, or talk to them in person. But one of the main points is to develop a habit of gratitude by consistently doing it EVERY day in November - regardless of how much time you think you have. It takes mere seconds to say, "Thank you for the yummy cookies you bring me every year on Valentine's Day - your kindness encourages me and reminds me I am loved." Then you hit send, lick the envelope, say good-bye, or give them a hug - depending on your method for delivery!


Getting started is the hard part - so guess what? As if this post weren't already long enough, I'm going to share with you MY plan - the one I'm using THIS year, that is. I will add here that, as a follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I also try to take a brief moment to pray for the same person sometime during that day. If you don't know someone in the listed category, go back and repeat a category from before - just choose a different person this time!



1. God - I'm serious about this one - On November first I will THANK Him and ask Him to "guide me into gratitude" the remainder of the month! He deserves my FIRST praise, and my HIGHEST praise!

2. Someone I have met within the last year - a new friend or co-worker

3. A friend from church

4. A friend from the neighborhood

5. A relative - non-parent

6. A musician in my church (choir member, piano player, choir or orchestra director, vocalist, etc.)

7. A relative

8. A child who works hard or is consistently respectful (non-family member)

9. A store manager or clerk that has been especially helpful (they'll look at you oddly, but that's okay!)

10. A friend from the past (high school, college, former work location, etc)

11. A Veteran (this one is NOT optional - I call my dad EVERY year on this date specifically to thank him for his service in the Air Force during World War II and the Korean Conflict! Veterans deserve our lifetime of thanks!)

12. A pastor or other vocational Christian worker

13. A relative

14. A friend

15. A teacher

16. Someone over the age of 60 who has been an example to me

17. A manual laborer whose skills have been a blessing to me or to others

18. A high school student who in some area, large or small, has chosen to be a visible leader for what is right

19. A co-worker

20. A Facebook friend

21. A church or community volunteer

22. A coach/choir leader/director/teacher

23. Parents or Grandparents - if yours are deceased, stop today to thank the Lord for their influence

24. (Thanksgiving day) Verbally or prayerfully demonstrate gratitude for my country and my countless blessings

25. A missionary or someone working overseas

26. An administrator - school, work, organization, etc.

27. A friend or family member

28. A community worker - postal carrier, fire fighter, police officer, mayor, congressman, etc.

29. An author or writer whose words have impacted my life (email contact info is often in the back of the book)

30. The neighbor, friend, or family member of my choosing!


If you have time this month, male or female, I would encourage you to read Choosing Gratitudeby Nancy Leigh DeMoss. (Maybe she could be the author you thank on Day 29!!!) Also, look through your concordance for the many references to gratitude (gratefulness) and thankfulness in Scripture and take time occasionally to read what God says about this important subject! No matter what your age, vocation, or gender - you can CHOOSE to be thankful. Sooo...


I would love if you would choose to join me for these "Thirty Days of Gratitude!" Will you?


Gratefully -

Brenda Strohbehn

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